
schroepfen tcm praxis zürich

Cupping is a traditional healing method that was used in European, as well as Asian, culture. Cupping may be used instead of acupuncture, or combined into a treatment. It’s especially recommended for painful conditions resulting from a local blockage of Qi and circulation. Through the use of a hand pump a vacuum is created. The cup is then applied to the affected body part. The cups remain in place 10 to 20 minutes. Afterwards, circulation is improved. Some bruising is possible, though the procedure is not painful.

Next: Nutrition



Nutritional theory is another cornerstone of TCM, and is usually including as part of treatment. In China, eating properly has traditionally been regarded as another kind of medicine. Choosing nutritional foods supports other healing therapies, as well as preventing illness down the road. Foods are categorized according to their action in the body, and whether they have a cooling or warming effect, regardless of their actual temperature. Your nutritional choices further energize your therapy here. We’re happy to share hints and recipes with you.